If you are looking for where to create wholesale cloth bags, you have found your bag suppliers. Ask us for a quote and work with us as your custom-made fabric bag factory. With us, you can customize and create your unique and original "tote bag" or any other type of fabric product to store your products or make the most innovative and sustainable promotional gift..
Create your bag based on two main options: your bag can be made in Spain or it can be imported, with several possibilities of fabrics for its making and finishes.
Adapt your bag to your product, and create the perfect complement to transport it, store it or give it a touch of design. Ask us for new ideas or other formats, such as aprons, suitcases, toiletry bags, bottle covers, ham holders, etc.
Made in Spain
- From 300 units
- Receive your order in approximately 3 to 5 weeks depending on production
- Deadlines can be adjusted, ask us for availability
- You can create all kinds of fabric products with all the variations your client demands and put your custom label on them
- Manufacturing is 100% national
- From 2,000 units
- The delivery time varies between 6 to 14 weeks, depending on air or sea transportation
- Prices are more adjusted by order volume
- You will find more variety of materials: raffia, laminated non-woven, etc.
- You have the possibility of even manufacturing a model from our catalog at a reduced cost
Advantages of designing your own custom fabric bags
Unique and unrepeatable fabric bags
The production of custom bags allows you a wide variety of options with which you can provide a solution to your most demanding clients and ensure that you will find exactly what you are looking for: custom fabric bags, toiletry bags, coin purses, garment bags, headrests, aprons, kitchen towels, etc.
You will have the opportunity to create an exclusive promotional item in terms of design, finishing, accessories, printing, etc.
Merchandising with high visibility
With custom fabric bag production, you can make the most of your brand image by printing it wherever and however you want. The possibilities are multiplied: bleed printing (to the edge or to the seam), printing on the gussets, printing on the base, off-center printing, printing on the edge, etc.
For a perfect finish of your fabric packaging, we have different types of printing such as textile screen printing or digital printing. We advise you to choose the printing system that best suits your design.
Quality finishes
Undoubtedly, the advantage that adds extra value to your advertising bags is their confection and finishing.
With custom fabric packaging production, you can also decide on the quality of its confection and finishing, thus designing a superior quality product.